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The origin of Themistice

For anyone new, the name “Themistice” might look a little weird. You may be wondering how this name came to be, and luckily for you, I am about to explain everything. It all started billions of years ago…

To understand what this name means, you first need some background knowledge about Greek mythology. Specifically, you need to know about Themis, the Greek goddess of law and justice. In Greek mythology, Themis is one of the 12 titan children of Gaia and Uranus and was the 2nd wife of Zeus. She is associated with
the oracles and prophecies and is the mother of Eunomia, who is the goddess of law. Now, I can’t take credit for finding this out or the creation of the name of this blog. That all goes to my dad, who was the one who initially came up with this idea. The name “Themistice” combines both Themis, the goddess of law and justice, and the word justice. (Initially, we were going to go for Themis as the name but sadly, that domain was not available.) But why did we choose this name anyways?

The point of this blog is to try and provide simple but detailed explanations of legal and governmental things that you may not understand. This blog should be something that requires little effort to understand but gives you any and all the information you need. If you don’t come out of reading one of these posts with some new piece of information, then I haven’t done my job properly. Themistice is the starting point for not only my own journey into the vast legal world but also your journey into understanding the intricate parts of our government.


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